Industry Spotlight - Roadmap to decarbonised heating: Are we on track?
The Climate Change Act legally commits the UK government to reduce GHGs by at least 100% of 1990 levels by 2050. A key step towards this net zero goal in the UK is reducing emissions by 68% by 2030 compared with 1990 levels.
Evomax 2 boilers in cascade heat the residents of Barfields Court
Winchester based Anchor Pipework Ltd installed Evomax 2 in both boiler rooms at Barfield’s care home for the elderly.
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Natural refrigerant heat pumps: an effective means of reducing the risk of Legionnaires Disease
High temperature, natural refrigerant heat pumps can achieve flow temperatures up to 75°C. When the water is kept at these constant temperatures Legionella bacteria will swiftly die.
Why choose a boiler with low emissions?
Ideal Heating looks at why you should select a boiler with low emissions, and the regulations surrounding GHG emissions levels that you must comply with.
What are the benefits of wall mounted commercial boilers?
Wall mounted boilers are by far the most popular commercial boilers in the UK, but why is this?
New ECOMOD CO2 Commercial Heat Pumps take customers one step further towards net zero
With a maximum flow temp of 70°C the ECOMOD CO2 joins our range of commercial heat pumps
Ideal Heating opens new southern training centre to accelerate industry heat pump drive
New Expert Academy training facility opens in Luton
What are the benefits of a boiler cascade system?
When multiple boilers are installed in cascade, they work together to achieve the same output as single larger boiler.
Meet the Team: Robbie Burt, Business Development Manager
Robbie Burt is the latest Business Development Manager to join our Ideal Heating Commercial team.
Industry Spotlight: Achieving an efficient and future proofed Heat Network
Heat Networks and Heat Interface Units are tried and tested technology, and a proven way in which we can help to decarbonise heat in buildings.
What does it take to be the number 1 wall mounted commercial boiler?
With the games in Paris this summer, and sports persons competing to be the best in their field, what does it actually take to be number one?