Evomax 2 boilers in cascade heat the residents of Barfields Court

Barfields Court, Lymington is a care home for the elderly which was built around 1967. The property is managed by New Forest District Council and there are various buildings on site which are served from two boiler rooms. The ground floor north boiler room serves the two-story block which adjoins the single-story accommodation. The basement south boiler room serves the three-story block, a two-story block extension and a ground floor communal area.

Winchester based Anchor Pipework Ltd were appointed to design and install a full replacement of both boiler rooms. This was due to a total failure of the hot water provision in each boiler room, ageing boiler plant and fluing issues which needed upgrading. To ensure hot water was provided throughout the establishment, Anchor arranged temporary boiler plant in conjunction with plate heat exchangers prior to the replacement works.

Survey of the premises

Initially Anchor conducted a survey of the establishment to ascertain the existing services installation, construction details of the buildings and installed hot water outlets. It was also established which boiler room served which buildings. Design calculations were then carried out for the heating and hot water plant.

Evomax 2 in cascade installed in the South Boiler Room

A cascade of three Ideal Heating Evomax 2 120kW wall-mounted boilers were chosen to provide heating to the heating circuits and a primary heating supply to two packaged hot water plate heat exchangers.

The full mechanical works consisted of the removal of the three existing frame mounted 80kW heating boilers, associated pipework back to isolation valves, pumps, expansion vessel and flues. The redundant direct gas fired water heaters were removed along with their flues, expansion vessels and pipework.

The new installation consists of three 120kW Ideal Evomax 2 boilers complete with low frame cascade kits. A new flue system was installed, complete with a flue liner within the existing chimney. The boiler primary side is separated from the secondary system side by a plate heat exchanger, complete with a flushing bypass on the secondary side.

All pipework was insulated and valves and flanges were insulated with purpose made pre-formed insulated covers.

The 360kW of boiler output was the maximum that could be installed given the existing gas meter capacity. The load of the system can still be delivered should one of the three boilers fail.

Two Evomax 2 wall-mounted boilers in the North Boiler Room

A cascade of two Evomax 2 wall-mounted 60kW boilers were chosen to provide heat to the single heating circuit. A single direct gas fired hot water heater was chosen to provide the hot water requirement.

The full mechanical work consisted of the removal of the existing boilers, associated pipework back to isolation valves, pumps, expansion vessel and flues.

The new installation consists of two 60kW Ideal Heating Commercial Evomax 2 boilers in cascade. A new combined flue system was installed for the boilers and water heater. The boiler primary side is separated from the secondary system side by an Ideal Plate Heat Exchanger, complete with a flushing bypass on the secondary side. All pipework was insulated and valves and flanges were insulated with purpose made insulated covers.

Read the full Anchor Pipework Limited case study here